04/2023 – 09/2023 Researcher at University of Venice, Ca’ Foscari
10/2022 – 06/2023 Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Zagreb
10/2020 – 03/2023 Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, LMU München
11/2018 – 09/2020 Lecturer in Ancient History, Catholic University of Croatia (teaching three courses per semester, examining)
10/2017 – 07/2018 Rome Fellow of the British School at Rome (postdoctoral research)
09/2016 – 09/2017 Lecturer in Classics, Oriel College, University of Oxford (teaching five hours/week, interviewing for admission, examining)
09/2015 – 09/2017 Instructor in Ancient Greek and Latin, Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford (teaching six hours/week, examining)
09/2012 – 09/2015 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Classics, Oxford
09/2014 – 06/2015 Assistant Student Librarian at Merton College, Oxford
2011-15 Doctoral degree in Classics at the University of Oxford. Thesis title: The Roman Festival of the Lupercalia: History, Myth, Ritual, and its Indo-European Heritage Viva: 16 July 2015. Awarded: 1 October 2016; Supervisors: Prof. Stephen Heyworth, Prof. Gavin Flood, Dr Anna Clark; Examiners: Prof. Christopher Smith and Dr Matthew Robinson
2009-11 Master of Arts in English and Classics at the University of Zadar (summa cum laude)
2006-09 Bachelor of Arts in English and Classics at the University of Zadar (summa cum laude)
2020-22 Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt foundation €84,000
2018 European Union Marie Skłodowska-Curie Seal of Excellence Award for my research proposal on the environmental history of the river Tiber
2017-18 Rome Fellow of the British School at Rome (funded by the British Academy) £15,000
2016 Craven Fund Award (Faculty of Classics, Oxford) to pursue research (as Visiting Fellow) at the American Academy in Rome £2,000
2014 Funding and sponsorship by the Faculty of Classics and the Faculty of Oriental Studies (Oxford) for the conference Historical Consciousness and Historiography: 3000 B.C.—A.D. 600) £12,000
2013 Craven Fund Award (Faculty of Classics, Oxford) to pursue research at the British School at Rome £1,800
2011-14 Oxford University Press Clarendon Fund Scholarship (given to most promising fresher students of the year across all disciplines in Oxford), £40,500
2010-11 “Top Student” scholarship by the President of Croatia €5,000
2011 The Rector’s Award for academic excellence (University of Zadar) €1,000
2023 Wolves of Rome: The Lupercalia from Roman and Comparative Perspectives (Walter de Gruyter, Berlin), 336 pages.
The Living Streams: Rivers as More-than-Human Entities in the Ancient World. Cambridge Elements in Environmental Humanities (Cambridge University Press, New York, under contract)
Peer-reviewed articles
2023 “River, Giant, and Hubris: A Note on Vergil, Aeneid 8.330-3”, Classical Quarterly (submitted)
2021 “The Indo-European Daughter of the Sun: Greek Helen, Vedic Saranyu and Slavic Morana”, Nouvelle Mythologie Comparée 6 (online journal), (with Maria M. Glavan)
2020 “Initiation into the Mysteries of Augustus: The Liberalia and the Forum Augustum”, In Gremium 14: 7-18
2020 “Silvia’s Stag on the Tiber: The setting of the Aeneid’s casus belli”, Mnemosyne 73.3: 464–82
2019 “Caves, Sex, and Criticism of Augustus’s Rule: Ovid and the Age of Augustus”, Sic 9.1 (online journal)
2019 “All the events of a dream: The ‘Real’ Ligeia from Homer to E.A. Poe”, PsyArt:An Online Journal for the Psychological Study of the Arts 23: 152-86
2018 “The Topography of the Lupercalia”, Papers of the British School at Rome 86: 37-60
2016 “Roman Myth and Ritual: The Groups of Luperci and Epigraphic Evidence”, Epigraphica 78: 43-52
2015 “Virgins and Prostitutes in Roman Mythology”, Latomus 74.2: 313-38 (with D. Nečas Hraste)
2013 “Legendary Caesar and the Architect Ariadne: Narrative, Myth and Psychology in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and Inception”, PsyArt: An Online Journal for the Psychological Study of the Arts 17: n.p. (with R. Petković)
2011 “Rudra-Shiva and Silvanus-Faunus: Savage and Propitious”, The Journal of Indo-European Studies 39.1 & 2: 100-15 (with D. Nečas Hraste)
Chapters in edited volumes
(forthcoming) “Rivers and Fluid Identities in the Fasti”, in T. E. Franklinos & J. Ingleheart (eds.), New Perspectives on Propertian and Ovidian Elegy. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
(forthcoming) “River, Agency, and Gender: An Ecocritical Reading of the Myths of the Tiber”, in E. Eidinow and Ch. Schliephake (eds.) Conversing with Chaos: Writing and Reading Environmental Disorder in Ancient Texts. Bloomsbury, London.
(forthcoming) “Ancient Italian Mythologies”, in R.D. Woodard (ed.) The Cambridge History of Mythography and Mythology. Cambridge University Press, New York. (with Nancy Thomson de Grummond)
2023 “Integrated GPR and Laser-Scanning of Piazza Santa Anastasia, Rome”, in I. Haynes et al. (eds.) Non-Intrusive Methodologies for Large-Area Urban Research. Archaeopress Archaeology, Oxford, 94-8 (with E. Pomar, S. Kay and P. Campbell)
2023 “The Festival of the Lupercalia as a Vehicle of Cultural Memory in the Roman Republic”, in M.T. Dinter and C. Guérin (eds.) Cultural Memory in Republican and Augustan Rome. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 281-93
Chapters in edited volumes (continued)
2022 “Routes”, in D. Duncan and J. Burns (eds.) Transnational Modern Languages: A Handbook. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, 251-60 (with Peter Campbell)
2021 神話の紡がれかた (Shinwa no tsumugarekata), “Greek and Roman Mythology”, in Y. Kasai and V. Cazzato (eds.) 古典の挑戦 (Koten no Chōsen) Challenges in Classics. Chisen Shokan, Tokyo, 259-84
2020 “The Lovers and the Rebel: Reading the Double Heroides as an Exilic Text”, in T.E. Franklinos and L. Fulkerson (eds.) Constructing Authors and Readers in Appendices Vergiliana, Tibulliana, and Ouidiana. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 242-61
Book Reviews
2022 D.-E. Padilla Peralta, Divine Institutions: Religions and Community in the Middle Roman Republic (Princeton, Oxford). Religious Studies Review 47.4, 527
2021 T. Thompson and G. Schrempp, The Truth of Myth (Oxford). Journal of Indo-European Studies 48.3-4, 542-3
2020 David Leeming, Sex in the World of Myth (London). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2020.10.51 (online journal)
2019 B. Ware Allen, Tiber: Eternal River of Rome (Lebanon, NH). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.08.40 (online journal)
2018 A. Versluis, Platonic Mysticism (Albany, NY). The Classical Review 69.1 61–63
2017 A. Giovannini, (2015) Les institutions de la République romaine des origines à la mort d’Auguste (Basel). Classical Review 67.1: 168-9
2014 R.D. Woodard (2013) Myth, Ritual and The Warrior in Roman and Indo-European Antiquity (Cambridge). Kratylos 59: 145-54
2014 J. Haudry (2009) Triade Pensée, Parole, Action dans la tradition indo-europenne (Milan). Kratylos 59: 138-45
Invited speaker
2023 “Floods of the Tiber in Ancient Rome: Resilience, Deforestation, Interpretations”, workshop Trees and the Anthropocene in Greek and RomanAntiquity, University of St Andrews
2023 “Iuppiter, Dyauš, and Indra: some comparative reflections on the sky god and warriors”, conference Les dieux souverains dans les mondes anciens à l’épreuve du comparatisme, Université de Liège
2022 “Reading Ovid from an Ecocritical Perspective”, conference Laetae Segetes VIII, Department of Classical Studies, Masaryk University, Brno
2022 “The Tiber in Roman Environmental History”, course Humanity in the Classical Landscape, University of St Thomas
2021 “Marriage, Animal Desire, and Conceptions of Sovereignty in Indo-European Traditions”, CRASSH Graduate Seminar Series Grammars of Marriage and Desire, University of Cambridge
2021 “The River in Flux: The Tiber in Roman Religion and Mythology”, Department of Ancient History research seminar, University of Göttingen
2021 “Wolves, Twins, and Rivers: Beyond Nature and Culture in Early Rome and Italy”, workshop Interdisciplinary Engagement in Ancient Environmental Studies II: new directions in ecocritical approaches to classical literature, Centre for Ancient Environmental Studies Workshop, University of St Andrews
2019 “Saving the Environment: The Tiber, Roman religion and mythology”, Department of the Classics Latin literature seminar, Harvard University
2019 “Saving the Environment: The Tiber, Roman religion and mythology”, Department of Classics Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania
2019 “Is It All about Sex? The Lupercalia in literature, history and archaeology”, Conference Celebrating the Divine — Roman Festivals in Art, Religion, and Literature, University of Virginia
2019 “Death by Water: Myths of the Tiber, the underworld, and human sacrifice”, Department of Archaeology Research Seminar, University of Reading
2018 “Reading the Double Heroides as an Exilic Text”, Conference Constructing Authors and Readers in the Appendices Vergiliana, Tibulliana, and Ovidiana, University of Oxford
2018 “Young Men and Cattle Raids: The Lupercalia from Comparative Perspectives”, Workshop Mastery, Ownership, Divinity: Self and Power in Transregional and Transtemporal Perspectives, Ludwig–Maximilians-Universität München
Other conference presentations
2022 “Human and Non-Human Animals and Modern Environmental Discourse”, Defining the Human in Environmental Humanities, Venice International University
2022 “Hybrid Entities: the Horror of Human and Animal Combined”, Locus Horridus: Roman anxieties about Nature, the Finnish Institute in Rome
2022 “The River Tiber in Ancient Rome: Myths and Objects”, Roman Archaeology Conference, Split (with archaeologist Peter Campbell)
2022 “Ovid’s Rivers and Fluid Identities”, at the panel “Ovid and the Natural World”, Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting, San Francisco
2021 “The Lupercalia from Prehistory to Late Antiquity: A Case Study in the Resilience of Roman Religion”, European Society for the Study of Religions Annual Meeting, University of Pisa
2021 “The Dynamics of Gender in Motion: The Luperci and Roman Masculinity”,Ritual Movement in Antiquity and Beyond, University of Rome (Sapienza)
2021 “The River Tiber, Environmental History, and Gender”, Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting, panel New Environmental History: Promises and Pitfalls
2020 “The River and the City: The Tiber and Roman Mythology”, Workshop Ancient Environments and their Legacy (org. by E. Eidinow and Ch. Schliephake) online
2019 “The Dynamics of Gender in Motion: The Luperci and Roman Masculinity”, Conference Sex and the Ancient City, University of Cyprus
2019 “Tiber Island, the island of Asclepius?”, Conference Sanctuaries and Experience, Institute of Classical Studies, London
2017 “Initiation in the Mysteries of Augustus: The Liberalia and Forum Augustum”, Conference Cultural Memory in the Augustan Age, Université Paris-Est, Créteil
2016 “Caves in Ovid”, Biannual conference Réseau de recherche et de formation à la recherche «Poésie augustéenne», University of Florence
2016 “The Lupercalia as a Vehicle of Cultural Memory in the Roman Republic”, Conference Cultural Memory in the Roman Republic, King’s College London
2016 “Roman Myth and History: The Memory of the Fabii at Cremera”, 9th Celtic Conference, panel Myth and History in the Historiography of Early Rome, University College Dublin
2014 “The Wolf in Roman Myth and Ritual”, Europaeum Classics Conference, Université Paris-Sorbonne
2013 “Faunus/Silvanus and Vedic Rudra: An Indo-European God of Animals and his Sexuality”, Conference International Colloquium of Anthropology and Comparative Mythology of the Indo-European World, Université Catholique de Louvain
2023 Member of research project The Geopraxis of water and land management at Venice, at the University of Venice, Ca’ Foscari
2021-25 Member of project Alaudae on the Latin works of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, the first gay activist in the modern world (three volumes under contract with Bloomsbury)
2021-23 Member of research project Resources of Resilience from the Classical to the Roman Imperial Period, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (the German national foundation for sciences and humanities)
2022 International interdisciplinary conference The Living Streams: New Perspectives on Ancient Rivers, The Swedish Institute in Athens
2021 International interdisciplinary workshop Roman Waters, LMU München
2018 International interdisciplinary symposium River and the City: The Tiber in Archaeology, Cult and Myth, The British School at Rome
2017 International Coordinator and Steering Committee member: Classics conference Natales Grate Numeras, University of Zadar
2013 International interdisciplinary conference Historical Consciousness and Historiography: 3000 B.C.—A.D. 600, Merton College, Oxford
2023- Member of Steering Committee of Centre for Receptions of Antiquity, University of St Andrews
2020- Review Editor of the Journal of Indo-European Studies
2021 Reviewed research proposals for books for Routledge
2015-18 Interviewer for admissions at the University of Oxford
2016-23 Peer-reviewed papers for international journals Philologus, Graeco-Latina Brunensia, Greece & Rome, Classical World, The Journal of Indo-European Studies, Arethusa
2016-17 Member of the Bridging Provision Working Group which set up a bridging course for undergraduate freshers from under-represented backgrounds starting their Classics course at the University of Oxford
2016-22 Taught courses on Greek and Roman Religion and Mythology, Latin Literature at Tokyo Oxford SummerProgramme (summer school)
2016-17 Assessed examinations at the Faculty of Classics, Oxford: Intermediate Greek, Advanced Latin, Elementary Greek, Unseen translations from Greek and Latin
2016 Provided editorial assistance to David Raeburn for his book Greek Tragedies as Plays for Performance (Oxford, Wiley Blackwell)
2016 Proofread the Greek text for a complete edition of Sappho’s poems (Sappho of Lesbos, Darengo publications, London)
2014 Founding Core Member of the Early Text Cultures interdisciplinary project set up by University of Oxford postgraduate students in the humanities
2023 Recorded a YouTube video on ancient sexualities with Prof. Jelena Pilipović for The Classical World channel
2022 Gave a talk “Indo-European Studies, Mythology and Decolonisation” to the London Classicists of Colour, a group of students from all London universities. Video uploaded to YouTube
2021 Blog post “Global Classics or Ancient Studies? Towards a New Manifesto for an Old Discipline” Decolonizing Intellectual History blog, University of St Andrews
2021 Gave a talk at the workshop Interdisciplinary Engagement in Ancient Environmental Studies II, St Andrews Centre for Ancient Environmental Studies, University of St Andrews, video uploaded to YouTube
2020 Podcast on Roman mythology in Livy’s history with the University of Zagreb
2018-19 Acted as professional consultant on artists’ projects at the British School at Rome and articles for Time magazine (New York)
2018 Published an article on my research in The Guardian: “Friends, Romans, naked wolf-men… why an ancient festival is still controversial” (15/02/18). The article had over 100,000 views
2018 Public Lecture “Early Rome: Myth, History, and the Environment”, British School at Rome, video also published on YouTube
2017 Acted as historical advisor to artist Jennifer Taylor on her performance “The Lupercalia” (British School at Rome)
2017 Wrote a series of texts titled “When in Rome…Roman sexualities” for the University of Oxford outreach and widening-access project Oxplore: the home of big questions, commissioned under the heading “Does it matter who you love?” to mark the 50th anniversary of the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in the United Kingdom
2017 Organized and taught at an outreach workshop on Roman religion “Ancient Mysteries, Roman Myths” for the general public (Oriel College, Oxford)