prof. Mgr. Lucie Doležalová, Ph.D.

prof. Mgr. Lucie Doležalová, M.A., Ph.D.

Konzultační hodiny
  • dle domluvy emailem

Ústav řeckých a latinských studií
Celetná 20
Místnost č. 146

ORCID-ID: 0000-0003-2722-3370


  • December 2021 Full Professor in Latin and Greek Studies (Charles University in Prague)
  • April 2012 Doc. in Latin and Greek Studies (Charles University in Prague)
  • May 2005 Ph.D. in Medieval Studies (summa cum laude) (CEU Budapest)
  • June 2001 M.A. in Medieval Studies (summa cum laude) (CEU Budapest)
  • October 2000 Magister in English Philology and Latin Philology (with distinction) (Palacky University in Olomouc)


  • 2001-2005 Ph.D. program in Medieval Studies, Central European University, Budapest
  • 2004 École pratique des Hautes Études, Paris (graduate sandwich semester)
  • 2001-2002 Old Greek, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
  • 2000-2001 M.A. program in Medieval Studies, CEU, Budapest, Hungary
  • 1995-2000 English Philology and Latin Philology, Palacký University, Olomouc
  • 1999-2000 Mathematics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
  • 1998-1999 Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, the U.S.A. (undergraduate sandwich year)


  • since 10/2008 assistant, since 2012 associate professor and since 2021 full professor at the Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague (50%)
  • since 03/2008 assistant, since 2012 associate professor and since 2021 full professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles Uni., Prague (50%)
  • 04/2011-09/2014 researcher at Centre for Medieval Studies, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (20%, from 11/2013 10%)
  • since 09/2006 external consultant for English AcademicWriting, Masaryk University, Brno
  • 08/2010-01/2011 research fellow at Medieval Latin Seminar, University of Zurich
  • 09/2006-06/2008 external teacher at the department of Comparative Literature, Phil. Fac. Prague
  • 01/2006-12/2008 research postdoc at Center for Theoretical Study, Charles University, Prague
  • 09/2007-06/2008 external teacher at the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno
  • 1996-2001 English teaching (KP Centrum language school and private tutoring, Brno)
  • 1997-2002 translating and interpreting from English into Czech and vice versa



  • “Associative Ordering: Borders and Connections in Late Medieval Miscellanies” at International Medieval Congress, Leeds (July)
  • “Ardent Amateurs: Richard of Bury and Other Late Medieval Bibliophiles in Action” at conference (Odense, November)
  • “The Lipnice Bible” (with K. Pacovský) at a workshop Herzog Albrecht V. von Österreich und die Auswirkungen der Hussitenkriege – neue Aspekte (Klosterneuburg, September)
  • “Medieval Scribes Project Presentation” at the Twenty-second Colloquium of the Comité international de paléographie latine (Prague, September)
  • “Experiment and Commonplace: Formulae (and some proverbs) at the ends of medieval manuscript copies” at the 16th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs (Tavira, November)
  • “Na konci ocas. Podivné poznámky pozdněstředověkých písařů” (Tail at the end. Weird notes of late medieval scribes) at the Den latiny (Latin Day, Prague, April)
  • “Středověké knihovny augustiniánských kanonií v Třeboni a Borovanech” (Medieval Libraries of Augustinian canonries in Třeboň and Borovany), Staročeský dýchánek (Prague, January)


  • “Traditional and Local Culture Specific Associations in the Art of Memory (examples from the Czech lands)” – keynote at the international conference on the Art of Memory, Cáceres (September)
  • “Proverbs at Medieval Schools (in Bohemia)” at the 15th Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs (Tavira, November)
  • “The Graphomaniac Crux de Telcz (1434–1504) and Peculiarities of Late Medieval Manuscript Culture” invited lecture, CEU Vienna (November)


  • “Stones in Latin proverbs in late medieal Bohemia” at a workshop Hlína a kamení (Earth and stones) (Prague, January)


  • “Old and New Philology in Digital Environment” at SCUSI workshop, Stresa, April
  • “Art of Memory in Late Medieval Bohemia” at Náprstkovo muzeum, Prague, April
  • “Late Medieval “Creative Copying” in Bohemia” at the conference Moving Forms: The Transformations and Translocations of Medieval Literature, Athens, September
  • “Crux of Telč (1434–1504) as a scribe” workshop Neighbours in the Landscape of Memory: The First Meeting of the Medieval and Early Modern Mnemonic Society (Prague, September)
  • “MECz Project Presentation” (Centre for Medieval Literature, Odense, October)
  • “Memory in the Middle Ages” The Latin Day (Prague, November)


  • “Book presentation – The Reader of the Latin Texts from Late Medieval Bohemia” Staročeský dýchánek, Prague, Academy of Sciences, January 9, book presentation
  • “Pseudo-Ovid and Crux de Telcz (1434-1504) on old hags” workshop Old Hags, Prague, Charles University, January 16-17
  • “Constructive Impertinence: The Medieval Art of Memory” Wesleyan University, invited speaker, April
  • “Messy Business: Memory and the Manuscript Page in Later Middle Ages” UPenn, invited speaker, April
  • “Knowledge Management in Late Medieval Manuscript Miscellanies: The example of Crux of Telcz (d. 1504)”, conference Between Heaven and Everyday World. Knowledge and Community from the High Middle Ages to the Early Modern Era, Klagenfurt Uni., June
  • “Between Scylla and Charybdis. The De tribus punctis christianae religionis (1316) by Thomas Hibernicus and its heyday in late medieval Bohemia,” conference The Books of Knowledge and their reception: Circulation of Widespread texts in Late Medieval Europe, Prague, October
  • “Author as Editor: Crux of Telč (d. 1504) and his new New Year” ESTS Prague, November
  • “Parody in Late Medieval Bohemia”, Den latiny (the Latin Day), Prague, November


  • “Ještě jednou posvátné a světské” (Sacred and Profane revisited) workshop Komika a vážnost, Prague, January
  • “Editing medieval Texts” (DEMM course lecture, Klosterneuburg Stiftsbibliothek, January)
  • “Ad nauseam: Practising the Art of Memory in Late Middle Ages,” University of Lisbon, invited lecture, March
  • “Digital Editing of Medieval Manuscripts” with Marjorie Burghart, at symposium Methodologies in Digital Humanities (Text Encoding Initiative Public Day), Prague, February
  • “Parodic Passions between England and Bohemia” Invited speaker at a conference Chaucer in Bohemia, Paris, June
  • “Vox magistrae: Opuscles from Late Medieval Bohemia,” invited speaker at conference Medialatinitas – International Medieval Latin Congress, Vienna, September 19
  • “Miscellanies of Ulricus Crux de Telcz” paper at WG2 meeting, COST IS1301 Action, Rome September 22
  • “Creative copying”: Miscellanies of Crux of Telč (1434-1504) – invited lecture in the Centre for Medieval Studies (“žůrfix”, 16.11.2017)
  • “Much Editorial Intervention in Late Medieval Bohemia,” Annual meeting of the European Society for Textual Scholarship, Alcalá November


  • “Czech manuscripts of the ars moriendi” (Prague, COST IS1301 small meeting Ars moriendi, April)
  • “Structuring personal meditation in late medieval Central Europe: the art of memory, key word mnemonics, and physical exercise” (Lisbon, COST IS1301 WG2 meeting Religious Practices and Everyday Life (1350-1570), March)
  • “Disruption on the Manuscript Page: Material Text and Re-Organization of Knowledge in Late Medieval Central Europe” (conference Unity and Diversity of Medieval (Central) Europe: Social Order and its Cohesive and Disruptive Forces, Olomouc, March 29-April 1)
  • “Philology” (lecture at DEMM course, Klosterneuburg, February)
  • “The Cena Cypriani revisited” (in Czech), colloquium Comics, Prague, January
  • “Medieval Latin” workshop Global Philology, Berlin, Freie Universität, October 5
  • “Selection, Association, and Memory: Personal MTMs in Late Medieval Bohemia,” workshop The Emergence of Multiple-Text Manuscripts, November 9-12, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Hamburg
  • “Discontinuities in Medieval Latin Writing” conference Discontinuities in Art, Literature, Experience, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, December
  • “Umění paměti ve středověku” (Medieval Art of Memory), Den latiny, Prague, November


  • “Biblical Memories: Seeing the Passion all around in late medieval England and Bohemia” Institute of Historical Research, University of London, invited speaker, January
  • “Multilingualism in late medieval manuscripts from Bohemia” paper within UNCE conference, January


  • “The Ten Commandments and the Ten Plagues: A curious poem in the context of late medieval Latin biblical mnemonics in Central Europe,” conference Ten Commandments in Medieval and Early modern Culture, Ghent, April
  • “The Miscellanies of Matouš Beran and the Medieval Library of Augustinian Canons in Roudnice nad Labem” (Institute for Czech literature, Prague, invited speaker, May)
  • “Remembering the Ten Commandments before and after Wyclif,” conference Europe after Wyclif, Fordham University, New York, June
  • “Late Medieval Latin Brief Tracts on the Decalogue” International Medieval Congress, Leeds, July
  • “Categorizing Personal Miscellanies” at Late Medieval Manuscript Miscellanies, Amsterdam, October
  • “The Pseudo-Joachimite Expositio versuum extraneorum: Manuscript Transmission and Content Analysis” at conference «Ioachim posuit verba ista» Gli pseudoepigrafi di Gioacchino da Fiore dei secoli XIII e XIV, Fiore, September


  • “Passion and passion: Intertextual Narrratives between History and Parody,” workshop Religious Acculturation III (Vienna, January)
  • “Medieval Latin manuscripts with Complex Transmission in a Digital Environment – a project report,” Stanford University, California, USA, April
  • “Velislav bible in the context of medieval biblical retellings” (Prague, conference UNCE, June)
  • “Bible As/In Medieval Literature” Interfaces workshop, Prague, June
  • “Digital Editions,” workshop at CMS, Prague, June
  • “Transmission of Medieval Latin Literature, ” Seitenstetten, August (ELIM Erasmus IP)
  • “Medieval Plurilingual Miscellanies,” Vienna, September (ELIM Erasmus IP)
  • “Ink on Animal Skin” The Latin Day, Charles University in Prague, November 11, 2013
  • “The Miscellanies of Matouš Beran” workshop the Library and Literary Activity of Augustinian Canons in Roudnice, 14th-15th centuries, Prague, November
  • “Intertextuality and Medieval Popular Literature” workshop The Roots of Pulp Fiction, Charles University in Prague, November
  • “Identity in Late Medieval Latin Writing: Author, Text, Context” workshop Identity, Charles University in Prague, December
  • “And what shall be the sum of it all? Biblical mnemonics in Late Medieval Bohemia,” workshop Amica, Sponsa, Mater – Anniversary of the Kralice Bible, Charles University in Prague, October


  • “Biblical Latin Versifications in 15th Century Miscellanies” (session Versified Theology in the Late Middle Ages, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, July)
  • “Some Words on Textuality: Medieval Manuscript Transmission versus Digital Environment” (invited speaker at the CEU, Budapest, together with F. Kiss, January)
  • “O seznamech (On Lists)” (conference of the University Center of Excellence for the Study of the Ancient and Medieval Intellectual Traditions, Prague, June)
  • “Půvab a úskalí latinské kultury středověké kultury” (The Charm and Difficulty of the Latin Culture of Medieval Europe) lecture at the Latin Day, Charles University in Prague, November
  • “Pílí proti pýše? Pojem obskurního ve středověkých latinských textech a rukopisech” (Toil to Fight Pride? The notion of the obscure in medieval Latin texts and manuscripts) lecture at the Centre for Theoretical Study, Prague, November
  • “La Cena Cypriani: une liste entre prose et poésie, entre procédés mnémoniques et ludiques” guest lecture at the Centre d’Études du Moyen Âge, Université Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris 3, November
  • “Historiographical versus Historical Typology in Late Medieval Bohemia:
    The Case of the Passion” invited lecture at workshop Biblical Typology as a Mode of Thinking in Medieval Historigraphy, Centre franco-norvégien en sciences sociales et humaines, Paris, November
  • “Brak ve středověké literatuře?” (Medieval Pulp Fiction?) at workshop Brak v literatuře, vědě a populární kultuře: Koncepty, pojmy, přístupy – Vstupní konstitutivní vymezení, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, November
  • “Memorizing the Bible in Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Bohemia” at workshop Ars memorativa in Central Europe, Klagenfurt, December
  • “Towards a Digital Edition of the Summarium Biblie” (Mellon workshop, Edinburgh, June)


  • “The ‘Matter’of Medieval Texts: The Implications of Manuscript Transmission for Approaching Medieval Literature” (workshop Interfaces of Medieval Literatures, Les Treilles, Provence, March)
  • “Memorizing the Effects of the Body and Blood of Christ in Late Medieval Bohemia: Textual Strategies Blurring the Boundaries Between Religious Groups” (invited speaker at conference Situating Religious Controversy: Textual Transmission and Networks of Readership, 1378-1536, Prague, May)
  • “Juxtaposed Series of Keywords: Popular but Tricky Mnemonic Technique” at a conference Wissenspaläste: Die Räume des Wissens in der Vormoderne (Chemnitz, September)
  • “Nescio quod dicitur: Obscurity in late Medieval Latin manuscripts” (conference Obscuritas in the Middle Ages, Prague, October)
  • “Least Distance of Distinct Vision: Medieval Latin Manuscript Transmission in a Digital Environment” (together with R. Wójcik and F.G.Kiss, at a Mellon project meeting, Darmouth College, New Hampshire, USA)
  • “Hra s Biblí ve středověku” (Playing with the Bible in the Middle Ages) paper for the Union of Classical Philologists, Prague
  • “Svatý Nikdo a nezřetelné hranice parodie” (Saint Nobody and the Blurred Borders of Medieval Parody) habilitation speech, Charles University in Prague


  • “Des mots cassés et des images blessées: l’art de la mémoire en Europe Centrale à la fin du Moyen Age” (invited speaker at EPHE Paris, Sorbonne, seminar of Prof. Nicole Bériou, together with F. Kiss and R. Wójcik)
  • “The Charm and Challenge of Textual Enigma in Twelfth-Century Latin Literature” (MAA annual meeting, Yale Univ. USA, section The Aesthetics of Enigma)
  • “Summarium Biblie as a biblical table of contents and a suspicious memory tool” at a conference Form and Function in the Late Medieval Bible (Edinburgh, July)
  • “The powers of obscurity. The case of the Demon’s poem” at the workshop The Making of Prophecy: Methods of Rewriting – Rewriting of Methods (Prague, July)
  • “Pourquoi des Biblie metrice ?” at a workshop Les usages sociaux des Livres sacrés, XIe-XVe siècle (Bibles, Corans, Europe occidentale latine) (LAMOP Paris, May)
  • “Brief, Popular, and Incomprehensible: The True Biblia pauperum and Intricacies of its Medieval Manuscript Transmission” (Zürich University Klassisches Kolloquium, October)
  • “Naked Men: Instructions for Use (Obscurity and Memory in Late Medieval Central Europe)” (Zürich University, guest lecture, October)
  • “Authorship of Obscurity: The Case of Versus maligni angeli” (Benevento conference Auctor et auctoritas, November)


  • “The Language of Demons and Angels: Approaching and Interpreting Obscure Latin in the 12th century” (workshop “Interfaces: Vernacular Voices and Latin Narratives, c. 900 – c. 1200”, York)
  • “Interpreting Nonsense: The Challenge of Uniqueness in Medieval Latin Texts” (workshop CTS/IGPP The Challenges of Uniqueness, Prague)
  • “The Thief, the Doctor and the Heretic: The Art of Memory in the Czech Lands” (guest lecture at the CMS Fellows meeting, Prague)
  • “The Bible and/as Scientific Literature” (lecture at the Summer School of Classical Studies, Prague)
  • “Re-Writing for Remembering: Gallus Kemli (1417-1481?) and his miscellanies” (workshop Medieval Manuscript Miscellanies: Composition, Authorship, Use, Prague)
  • “Devils and Nudes: The Places of Memory in Late Medieval Central Europe” (CMS Bergen, invited speaker, together with F. Kiss and R. Wójcik)
  • “Literary Appropriation and Repertoire” (Brno, workshop Conceptualising Literary Appropriation: Rewriting, Imitation, Allusion, and Intertextuality Revisited)
  • “Versus maligni angeli? Medieval Interpretations of Unique Obscurity” (conference The Patterns of Uniqueness: Singularity and Regularity in the Middle Ages, Brno)
  • “Bloody Images: The Art of Memory in Late Medieval Central Europe” (EVROPEUM Classics Colloquium, Prague)


  • “The Thin Borderline Between the Same and the Different: Reproducibility of Medieval Manuscripts” (transdisciplinary Conference on Reproducibility, Science or Else? Vila Lanna Prague)
  • “Matouš Beran and the Culture of Memory in Late Medieval Bohemia: A Case Study” (conference The Culture of Memory in East-Central Europe (1000-1600), Poland)
  • “The Absolute Alterity of the Cult of Saints: The Case of Saint Nobody” at a Hagiotheca conference Identity and Alterity in the Cult of Saints in Split, Croatia
  • “The Culture of Memory and Mnemotechnic Literature in 15th Century Central Europe” at a conference Matthias Rex 1458-1490, Hungary at the Dawn of the Renaissance in Budapest
  • “Man as an Island: Inner Exile in the Middle Ages” at a conference Isolated Islands in Medieval Mind, Culture and Society in Utstein, Norway
  • “God’s Dining Room” (at the workshop Retelling the Bible, CTS, Prague)
  • “The Charm of a List” (lecture at the Centre for Medieval Studies, Bergen. Norway)
  • “Word Plays of Mattheus Beran and the art of memory in 15th c. Bohemia” (at the Paedagogical Faculty in Plzeň)
  • “The Art of Memory” (at the centre for Medieval Studies in Prague)


  • “Women who harmed their men and other lists of Bernard Itier (1163-12225): Mixing Bible with Classics on Manuscript Margins” (international workshopu The Potential and Limitations of a List, CTS Prague, November 7-9)
  • “The Charm and Difficulty of a Fragment: The Cases of Cena Cypriani and Summarium Biblie” at conference “Along the Oral-Written Continuum: types of texts, relations and their implications” in Bergen, Norway
  • “On Mistake and Meaning” (ESF exploratory workshop Medieval Memories: Case, Studies, Definitions, Contexts, Prague, September)
  • “Bible and Retelling” (CTS lecture series, Liblice)


  • “Remembering One’s Bible: Summarium Biblie and Other Biblical Mnemonic Verses” (paper at international workshop ‘Medieval memories’ at CTS in Prague)
  • “Biblia quasi in sacculo: Biblical mnemonics in 12th-15th centuries” (lecture at Summer school of medieval studies, Sázava, Czech Republic
  • “Nemini vetula placet? In search for positive representation of old woman” (paper at Kongress Alterskulturen in Krems, Austria)
  • “Sicut mel dulce: The ‘Useful Pleasure’ of Medieval Reading” (paper at International Medieval Congress in Leeds, UK)
  • “The Charms and Limits of a Fragment” (lecture within CTS lecture series, Prague)


  • “United Variety: Approaches to Medieval Miscellany” (paper presented for Centre for Medieval Studies, Bergen, Norway)


  • “Marta heretica vs. Catherina bona catholica: Czech women in the penitentiary (1438-1483)” paper at a conference on Penitentiary and the peripheries, CEU


  • “Patterns of Praise: The Central European Model Town (13th-15th centuries)” in a session on constructing fame of towns at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds
  • “Ancient Pilgrimages” paper at the Summer School of Classical Studies in Olomouc
  • “Re-Telling” paper at the conference of Classical Philologists, Olomouc


  • “Imitating Bible stories of feast and violence: the Cena Cypriani revisited” in a session on imitation at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK
  • “The Obscurity Challenge: The Case of the Cena Cypriani” in a session “Aged Wine in New Skins: Biblical Stories in New Context” at the IMC, Kalamazoo, MI
  • “Forgetting to Play? A Case Study” (paper at a graduate student conference “Trivial Pursuits? Games and Game Playing in Antiquity” at the Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison)


  • “Cena Cypriani and possibilities outside the genres” guest lecture at Graduierten Kolleg, Ruhr-Universität Bochum


  • “Narrative Situation in Ancient Greek Novel” paper at a conference of Czech Classical Philology Departments in Litomyšl, Czech Republic


(main and only organiser if not stated otherwise)
09/2022 Medialatinitas – congress of Medieval Latinists, the theme: Nostalgia in/and the Middle Ages ( )
06/2020 online conference Medieval Distinctiones (with Marjorie Burghart)
09/2019 Neighbours in the Landscape of Memory: The First Meeting of the Medieval and Early Modern Mnemonic Society
11/2018 ESTS Annual Meeting (Author as Editor and Editor as Author), together with Jan Čermák and Ondřej Tichý (
07/2018 IMC Leeds – main strand coordinator (Memory), together with Jan Čermák
09/2017 “Beyond Editing: Advanced Solutions and Technologies,” DARIAH’s Humanities at Scale Winter School, member of the organization and scientific committee
02/2017 workshop Methodologies in Digital Humanities (Text Encoding Initiative Public Day), with Marjorie Burghart and Ondřej Tichý
10/2016 “Open Data Citation in Social Sciences and Humanities” DARIAH’s Humanities at Scale Winter School, Prague (, member of the scientific committee
11/2015 “Founding workshop of the Centre for the Study of the Middle Ages of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague” Prague, together with Jan Čermák
03/2015 “The Same and Different: Retelling the Bible in the New Communities of Interpretation (1350-1570)” – Working group 2 meeting, COST Action IS1301
11/2014 “The First Decades of the Prague University: Transforming Intellectual Space in 14th c. Central Europe” FF UK Prague (co-organizer)
10/2014 “Late Medieval Manuscript Miscellanies” Amsterdam, Royal Academy of Sciences (co-organizer)
05/2014 “Text, Manuscript, and Context in Latin Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages II” student conference Prague-Vienna, Vienna (co-organizer)
11/2013 “Literary activity and the library of Augustinians of Roudnice (Raudnitz) in 14th and 15th centuries” conference FHS UK Prague
04/2013 “Text, Manuscript, and Context in Latin Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages” student conference Prague-Vienna, Prague
10/2011 “Obscuritas in the Middle Ages” FHS UK Prague
08/2009 “Medieval Manuscript Miscellanies: Composition, Authorship, Use” Prague
11/2009 “Conceptualising Medieval Literary Appropriation: Rewriting, Imitation, Allusion and Intertextuality Revisited” Brno, Masaryk University
11/2009 “The Patterns of Uniqueness: Singularity and Regularity in the Middle Ages” Moravian Gallery of Art in Brno
09/2008 “Retelling the Bible” CTS, Prague
03/2008 “The Culture of Memory in East-Central Europe” in Ciazen, Poland, co-organiser
11/2007 “The Potential and Limitations of a List” CTS, Prague
09/2007 “Medieval Memories: Case Studies, Definitions, Contexts” CTS, Prague
09/2006 “Memories Medieval and Non-medieval” CTS, Prague


  • 10/2022–04/2024 “Medieval Studies in Digital World” (Norway grants)
  • 2023 “Medieval Explorations” – collaboration with Uni. St. Andrews
  • 2022 Magnesia Litera award for publication endeavor (for the Lipnická bible book, web and exhibition)
  • 2022 Bedřich Hrozný award for creative achievement (for the Třeboň catalogues)
  • since 04/2021 mentor in the project Dreams, Money and Christ: Popular texts and Their Transmission in the Late Middle Ages (principal investigator Martin Roček, START project scheme, Charles University, Prague)
  • since 10/2019 partner in DISTINGUO project to Marjorie Burghart (ANR, France)
  • since 01/2018 key researcher in project KREAS (Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague)
  • since 01/2018 senior researcher in University Centre of Excellence for the Study of the Ancient and Medieval Thought
  • 2017–2021 committee member of Charles University program PROGRES Q07 Centre for the Study of the Middle Ages
  • 2017–2021 committee member of Charles University program PROGRES Q21 Image and Text in Phenomenology and Semiotics
  • 2017–2019 three year GAČR research project “Creative Copying”: Miscellanies of Ulricus Crux de Telcz (d. 1504) (“Tvůrčí opisování”: Sborníky Oldřicha Kříže z Telče (z. 1504), 17-06326S), carried out at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague (3,810,000 CZK)
  • 09/2015–09/2017 COST CZ – research project New Communities of Interpretation: Contexts of religious reform in late medieval and early modern Czech Lands (Nové interpretační komunity: Kontexty náboženské proměny v pozdně středověkých a raně novověkých českých zemích)
  • 09/2014–08/2017 Digital Editing of Medieval Manuscripts – Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships – primary recipient, 3-year cooperation with Queen Mary London, Stiftsbibliothek Klosterneuburg, Uni. of Lyon, Uni. of Siena, 3 years
  • 08/2013–09/2017 COST IS1301 New Communities of Interpretation: Contexts, Strategies and Processes of Religious Transformation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (member of management committee and working group 2 coordinator)
  • 01/2015–12/2016 supervisor of an internal student research grant at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, “Statues of the Augustinian Canons of Roudnice nad Labem,” carried out by PhD student Adéla Ebersonová
  • 2012–2016 team member of Charles University program PRVOUK09: Literature and Arts in Intercultural Contexts, sub-program Formula Fiction: ‘Trivial’ and ‘Pulp’ Genres in the Context of Historical Development and Concepts of Popular Culture
  • 2012–2016 committee and team member of Charles University program PRVOUK18: Phenomenology and Semiotics
  • 2012–2017 team member of the University Centre of Excellence for the Study of the Ancient and Medieval Thought
  • 04/2011–10/2014 participation in an ERC Starting Independent Research Grant OVERMODE (Origins of the Vernacular Mode) to Pavlína Rychterová
  • 2013–2014 supervisor of a Charles University in Prague two year research project on Heinrich Totting von Oyta (carried out by PhD students Jan Odstrčilík, Riccardo Burgazzi, Francesca Battista)
  • 2013–2014 supervisor of an internal student research grant at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (Díla Jindřicha Tottinga z Oyty zachovaná v bohemikálním souboru rukopisů v knihovně Corpus Christi College v Cambridgi: jejich analýza a částečná edice, carried out by PhD students Jan Odstrčilík, Riccardo Burgazzi, Francesca Battista)
  • 2013–2014 program AKTION – exchange with the University of Vienna: Text, Manuscript and Context in Latin Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
  • 2012a ELIM team member (Erasmus IP, Early Literatures in Manuscripts)
  • 2012b two-month research fellowship at the Centre for Medieval Studies, Bergen, Norway
  • 2011–2013 a two-year project “Innovative Scholarship for Digitized Medieval Manuscripts Delivered in an Interoperable Environment” supported by the Mellon Foundation
    (the whole coordinated by Prof. Stephen G. Nichols, Johns Hopkins University)
  • 2010–2012 three-year post doc research grant from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic “Interpreting and Appropriating Obscurity in Medieval Manuscript Culture: The Case of Versus maligni angeli”
  • 2010 Sciex Crus post-doc fellowship, project Interpreting and Appropriating Obscurity in the Middle Ages: The Case of “Versus maligni angeli” (a 6-month research stay in Zurich)
  • 2009a EEA grant – exchange of experts with Bergen Norway
  • 2009b Gerda Henkel Stiftung – conference grant
  • 2008a a month research fellowship at the Center for Medieval Studies, Bergen, Norway
  • 2008b grant supporting the Retelling the Bible workshop from Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague
  • 2007–2009 a three year postdoctoral research grant from Grant Agency of the Czech Republic for project “Remembering One’s Bible: Reception of Summarium Biblie in 13th-15th c.”
  • 2007a a one year Visegrad Fund grant, cooperation with Poland and Hungary
  • 2007b an ESF grant for exploratory workshop “Medieval Memories”
  • 2006a MSH Paris – a month research fellowship
  • 2006b American Philosophical Society Benjamin Franklin Fellowship (research in the USA)
  • 2006c Vatican Film Library Mellon Fellowship (research)
  • 2005 CEU Award of Excellence
  • 2004a École française de Rome – a month research scholarship in Rome
  • 2004b scholarship for Summer School on Food History, IEHCA, Tours, France
  • 2003a Hill Monastic Manuscript Lib., St. John’s Uni., Collegeville, MN, research fellowship
  • 2003b Medioevo Latino, Certosa del Galluzzo, Italy – a scholarship to cooperate on the MEL
  • 2002–2003 CEU grant for a sandwich semester at the École pratique des hautes études, Paris
  • 2002a fellowship in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Medieval Institute at the Notre Dame Univ.
  • 2002b research fellowship at the Czech Historical Institute in Rome
  • 2001 Tanasa Fund Award – award for the best MA thesis in Medieval Studies at CEU
  • 2000–2005 Medieval Studies, Central European University, Budapest (Soros scholarship)
  • 1999a University Summer Scholars (project on Czech cinema), Miami Uni., Oxford OH
  • 1999b alternative pedagogy summer course (scholarship)
  • 1998–1999 Merrill scholarship for one academic year at the Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
  • 1997 American Studies, Suffolk University, Boston (scholarship for a summer program)
  • 1996 Prague Summer Writers’ Workshop (first prize in a creative writing contest)


PhD dissertations

  • Jan Odstrčilík: Analýza dvou latinských překladů Husovy České nedělní postily v rkp. Brno, Moravská zemská knihovna, MK 56 a MK 91 a jejich částečná edice (defended 2015)
  • Riccardo Burgazzi: Franciscus de Mayronis and the late medieval devotional literature. A critical edition of the Tractatus de passione Domini, with analysis (defended 2015)
  • Francesca Battista: Italian rhetoric and courtly love in the Formulary of Queen Kunhuta. A critical edition of the collection of Magister Bohuslav with an English introduction (Codex Vindobonensis Palatinus 526) (defended 2016)
  • Adéla Ebersonová: History of Augustinian Canons in the Czech Lands and research of their libraries (defended 2020)
  • Karel Pacovský (to be defended 03/2023): The Prague Benedictine Nuns in Late Middle Ages
  • Vojtěch Večeře (since 2017): Henricus de Wildenstein, Sermones latini in diversis locis predicati (critical edition of the preaching collection of Henry of Wildenstein, commentary and analytical study)
  • Kristýna Strnadová (since 2017): Ownership in medieval monasteries: Tracts against property in the 14th and 15th century
  • Jan Vojtíšek (since 2019): The council manual of the city of Kolín in 1376 – 1392: Critical edition and analysis to Kolín’s administrative history during the reign of Wenceslas IV.
  • Martin Roček (since 2019): Dream interpretation in late medieval Bohemia
  • Michael Lužný (since 2020): Dialogue of Matthew of Cracow on frequent communion in the context of late medieval reform movements

(also a supervisor of 8 MA theses, 3 BA theses, and an opponent of 4 PhD dissertations)


Faculty of Arts, Charles University (selected)

  • Working with Medieval Manuscripts, Genres and Types of Medieval Latin Texts, Introduction to Medieval Disciplines and Topics, Medieval Art of Memory, Medieval Letters, Medieval Obscurity
  • Introduction to the Arthurian Legend
  • Great Works of Medieval Literature
  • Academic English for Medievalists
  • Obscurity in the Middle Ages
  • Bible and Medieval Literature

Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (selected)

  • American Short Story, Retelling the Bible, Sacred and Profane, European Literature I-IV, Academic Skills in English

Obscurity in the Middle Ages
Working with Medieval Manuscripts
Genres and Types of Medieval Latin Texts
Introduction to Medieval Disciplines and Topics
Medieval Art of Memory
Medieval Letters
Medieval Obscurity
Introduction to the Arthurian Legend
Great Works of Medieval Literature
Academic English for Medievalists
American Short Story
European Literature I-IV


  • International Medieval Latin Committee (since 2017)
  • Young Academy of Europe ( 2016–2020)
  • S.I.S.M.E.L., Florence (since 2010)
  • European Science Foundation Pool of Reviewers (since 2009)
  • Scientific Board of PhD Program in Medieval Latin Studies, Charles University (since 2012)
  • S.I.S.M.E.L., Florence (since 2010)
  • European Science Foundation Pool of Reviewers (since 2009)
  • Fellows, Centre for Medieval Studies in Prague (since 2008)


  • Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Arts, Charles Uni. (since 2022)
  • Head of the Committee for Science of the Faculty of Arts, Charles Uni. (since 10/2022)
  • Head of the Supervisory board of the PhD program in Medieval Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (since 2018, board member since 2012)
  • Guarantor of the B.A. and M.A. program of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (since 2018)
  • Board of Trustees of the Centre for Medieval Studies, Prague (since 2016)
  • Editorial board: Studia mediaevalia Bohemica (Prague, Centre for Medieval Studies)
  • Editorial board: Ricerche Intermedievali (Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso)
  • Editorial board: Edice Středověk (Prague, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny)
  • Editorial board: Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures (Johns Hopkins Uni.) (2011-2019)


  • [“Ugly Manuscripts of Crux of Telč”, National Library in Prague (02-03/2023) – being prepared]
  • [“Medieval Library of Augustinian Canons in Třeboň” – Třeboň State Archives (2023) – being prepared]
  • “The Medieval Library of Augustinian Canons in Borovany” permanent exhibition in Borovany since June 2022 (the main author and team leader)
  • “Lipnice Bible” at Lipnice nad Sázavou Castle, June 26 – August 31, 2021 and in Prague, National Library, September 1–15, 2021 (the main author and team leader)



  • L.D., Michal Dragoun a Adéla Ebersonová. Středověké knihovny augustiniánských kanovníků v Třeboni a Borovanech. I. Rukopisy a inkunábule, II. Rukopisy Kříže z Telče, III. Rejstříky. [Medieval Libraries of Augustinian Canons of Třeboň and Borovany. I. Manuscripts and Incunables, II. Manuscripts of Crux de Telcz, III. Indices.] Praha: Scriptorium, 2021 (1663 pp., also ebook).
  • L.D., with contributions by Michal Dragoun and Kimberly Rivers. Passionate Copying in Late Medieval Bohemia: The Case of Crux de Telcz (1434-1504). Prague Medieval Studies 1. Praha: Karolinum, 2021.
  • L.D., Farkas Gábor Kiss and Rafał Wójcik, The Art of Memory in Late Medieval East Central Europe. Budapest and Paris: LʼHarmattan, 2016.
    [reviewed by Marjorie Burghart]
  • L.D. Obscurity and Memory in Late Medieval Manuscript Culture: The Case of the ‘Summarium Biblie’. Medium Aevum Quotidianum, Sonderband 29. Krems: Institut für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, 2012.
  • L.D. Reception and Its Varieties: Reading, Re-Writing and Understanding ‘Cena Cypriani’ in the Middle Ages. Bochumer Altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium 75. Trier: Wissenschaftliches Verlag, 2007. Reviewed by: Martha Bayles, Speculum 84 (2009): 421-422; Pierre-Maurice Bogaert, Revue bénédictine 118 (2008): 176; Lucia Castaldi, Medioevo latino 30 (2009): 500-501, no. 4904; Jean Louis Charlet, Latomus 68 (2009): 493-494; François Dolbeau, Revue des études augustiniennes et patristiques 54 (2008): 359-360; Michael Meckler, Journal of Medieval Latin 19 (2009): 301-304; Eva Stehlíková, Bollettino dell Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma 6 (2008): 199-203; Veronika Lukas, Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 66 (2010): 750.

Edition of Collective Monographs

  • L.D. and Magda Králová, eds. Opuscula. Neznámá dílka z rukopisů Kříže z Telče. [Opuscula: Unknown Brief Texts from manuscripts of Crux of Telč.] Praha: Scriptorium, 2022.
  • L.D. and Karel Pacovský, eds. Lipnická bible: Štít víry v neklidných časech pozndího středověku. [The Lipnice Bible: The Shield of Faith in the unsettled times of the late Middle Ages.] Okrouhlice: Spolek Za záchranu rodného domu Jana Zrzavého v Okrouhlici, 2021.
    [reviewed by František Šmahel, Český časopis historický, Martin Šenk, Mediaevalia historica Bohemica, Dějiny a současnost]
  • L.D. and Michal Dragoun, eds. Kříž z Telče (1434-1504): písař, sběratel a autor [Crux of Telcz (1434-1504): Scribe, Collector and Author]. Praha: Scriptorium 2020.
    [reviewed by František Šmahel, Český časopis historický, Jana Nechutová, Listy filologické, Marie Škarpová, Dějiny a současnost]
  • L.D., Michal Dragoun and Jan Ctibor, eds. Čítanka latinských textů z pozdně středověkých Čech [A Reader of Latin texts from late medieval Bohemia]. Praha: Scriptorium, 2017.
  • L.D., Michal Dragoun, and Adéla Ebersonová, eds. Ubi est finis huius libri deus scit. Středověká knihovna augustiniánských kanovníků v Roudnici nad Labem. [Ubi est finis huius libri deus scit. Medieval Library of Augustinian Canons in Roudnice nad Labem]. Praha: Scriptorium, 2015. 676pp. ISBN: 978-80-88013-09-9
  • L.D. and Kimberly Rivers, eds. Medieval Manuscript Miscellanies: Composition, Authorship, Use. Medium Aevum Quotidianum, Sonderband 31. Krems: Institut für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-901094-33-0
  • L.D., Jeff Rider and Alessandro Zironi, eds. Obscurity in Medieval Texts. Medium Aevum Quotidianum, Sonderband 30. Krems: Institut für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-901094-32-3
  • L.D. and Tamás Visi, eds. Retelling the Bible: Literary, Historical, and Social Contexts. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2011 [appeared 2010]. 459pp. ISBN: 978-3-631-61272-9.
  • L.D., ed. The Making of Memory in the Middle Ages. Later Medieval Europe 4. Leiden: Brill, 2010 [appeared 2009]. 520pp. ISBN: 978 90 04 17925 7
    [reviewed: Susanne Rischpler in Medium Aevum Quotidianum 62 (2011): 40-53; Sabine Seelbach in Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 46 (2011): 472-476; James Smith in Limina 17 (2011): 1-4; John D’Alton, Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association 6 (2010): 120-122; Václav Žůrek, Studia mediaevalia bohemica 4:1 (2012): 123-124, Lenka Blechová-Čelebic, Český časopis historický 108:4 (2010): 716-718]
  • L.D., ed. The Charm of a List: From the Sumerians to Computerised Data Processing. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. 203pp. ISBN: 978-1-4438-0237-6
  • L.D., ed. Strategies of Remembrance: From Pindar to Hölderlin. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. 252pp. ISBN: 978-1-4438-1261-0

Scholarly Studies


  • L.D. and Farkas Gábor Kiss, “Cultural Landscapes: Education and Literature.” In: Oxford Handbook of Medieval Central Europe, ed. Nada Zečević and Daniel Ziemann. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022, p. 321–338.
  • “Associations in Late Medieval Art of Memory (example of the Czech lands).” Ágora. Estudos Clássicos em Debate 24:1 (2022): 17–32.
  • 5 chapters in Opuscula. Neznámá dílka z rukopisů Kříže z Telče. Praha: Scriptorium, 2022: “Opuscula”, s. 11–18. “Hádanky” [Riddles], 68–82. with M. Králová, “O zvířatech, manželkách a pekle. Tři kázání” [On animals, wives and hell. Three sermons.], s. 85–125. “Traktátek o očištění úst vínem po přijímání” [A little Treatise on ablution with wine after communion], s. 380–387.
    with M. Králová, “Velmi krátké texty” [Very brief texts], s. 388–395.


  • ““Deep calls unto deep”: The “exegetical” commentary to the Versus maligni angeli (ms. Charleville-Mézières, Bibliothèque municipale, 117, ff. 1v-19r).” Sacris erudiri 60 (2021): 377–407.
  • “Vernacular Scribal Additions in Late Medieval Bohemia: The Example of the Old Hag Formula” Scriptorium. Revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits 74: 2 (2020) [2021]: 284–299, Pl. 14–17.
  • “The Art of Memory copied by Iohannes de Fredelant in 1461 (MS Praha, Národní knihovna, I G 11a, ff. 31r–41v): A contribution to the reception of the Memoria fecunda treatise” Daphnis. Zeitschrift für Mittlere Deutsche Literatur und Kultur der Frühen Neuzeit (1400-1750) 50 (2021): 144-162.
  • with Sabine Seelbach, “Neighbours in the Landscape of Memory: Encounters – Juxtapositions – Mutual Influence. Preface,” Daphnis. Zeitschrift für Mittlere Deutsche Literatur und Kultur der Frühen Neuzeit (1400-1750) 50 (2021): 3-4.
  • “A “Book of knowledge”? The De tribus punctis christianae religionis (1316) by Thomas Hibernicus and its heyday in late medieval Bohemia,” in: Books of Knowledge in Late Medieval Europe – Circulation and Reception of Popular Texts, ed. Pavlína Cermanová and Václav Žůrek, Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 52 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2021), 183–202.
  • “Et cetera baba stara,” in Staré baby. Ženy a čas ve středověké Evropě, ed. Vojtěch Bažant, Jiří Dynda, David Šimeček and Martin Šorm. Praha: Lidové noviny, 2021, 215–232.
  • “The Passion of the Robbers of Šlapanice according to Bartoš, the Executioner of Brno: Between history and parody,” Graeco-Latina Brunensia 26:1 (2021): 37–51.
  • with Tamás Visi, “Knowledge: Science and Education,” in A Cultural History of Memory in the Middle Ages, ed. Gerald Schwedler, Cultural Histories series. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021, 73–89.
  • 6 studies in L.D. and Karel Pacovský, eds. Lipnická bible: Štít víry v neklidných časech pozndího středověku. Okrouhlice: Spolek Za záchranu rodného domu Jana Zrzavého v Okrouhlici, 2021:
    i) L.D. “Vznik a osudy Lipnické bible” (The origin and fate of the Lipnice Bible), 12-17.
    ii) L.D. “Poznámky a ukazovací ručičky” (Glosses and maniculae), 86-104.
    iii) L.D. “Pomůcky ke studiu bible” (Bible study aids), 106-119.
    iv) L.D. with Zuzana Smetanová and Anna Pavlíková. “Doprovodné texty k žalmům” (Texts on Psalms), 120-141.
    v) L.D. “Výňatky z autorit o bibli a hereticích” (Excerpts from authorities on the Bible’s authority and on heretics), 180-188.
    vi) L.D. with Michal Dragoun and Kateřina Voleková. “Popis kodexu” (Codex description), 302-313.


  • “Historia generacionis Christi: A Versification of Peter of Poitiersʼs Compendium historiae de genealogia Christi from late medieval Central Europe (inc. Celici influencia),” Revue dʼhistoire des textes 15 (2020): 321–351.
  • “Pains and Pleasures of Interpreting and Approriating obscurity. The Versus maligni angeli in the twelfth to fifteenth centuries,” Acta universitatis Carolinae. Philologica. Graecolatina Pragensia 2 (2020): 109–156.
  • “The “Leipzig libellus” in Zwickau,” Studia mediaevalia Bohemica 10 (2018) [2020]: 255–257.
  • 11 chapters in the volume Kříž z Telče (1434–1504): písař, sběratel a autor:
    i) “Písař jako autor – předběžná varování” (Scribe as author – preliminary warnings), p. 13–20.
    ii) “Životopis” (Biography), p. 21–31.
    iii) “Kříž autor, překladatel, glosátor a písař” (Crux as author, translator, glossator, and scribe), p. 47–56.
    iv) (with Pavel Tříska) “Promluvy rektora školy” (Speeches of the school rector), p. 59–84.
    v) “Pythagorejské písmeno Y” (The Pythagorean letter Y), p. 85–92.
    vi) “O hebrejských písmenech” (On Hebrew letters), p. 93–97.
    vii) “Jak si zlepšit paměť” (How to improve one’s memory), p. 107–111.
    viii) “Listy: Janu Nosidlovi z Litoměřic a Tobiášovi z Tábora” (Letters: to John Nosidlo and Tobias of Tábor), p. 187–213.
    ix) “Nedbalý opis: De tribus punctis essentialibus christianae religionis” (A negligent copy: De tribus punctis essentialibus christianae religionis), p. 265–273.
    x) “Variace kázání: novoroční dárky” (Sermon variations: New Year’s gifts), p. 289–302.
    xi) “Závěr” (Conclusion), p. 429–430.


  • “Moving Lists: Enumeration between Use and Aesthetics, Storing and Creating,” in Moving Words in the Nordic Middle Ages: Tracing Literacies, Texts, and Verbal Communities, ed. Amy C. Mulligan and Else Mundal, Acta Scandinavica 8. Turnhout: Brepols, 2019, 201–225.
  • “Personal Multiple-Text Manuscripts in late Medieval Central Europe: The ‘Library’ of Crux de Telcz (1434–1504)” in Alessandro Bausi, Michael Friedrich and Marilena Maniaci (eds.), The Emergence of Multiple-Text Manuscripts, ed. Studies in Manuscript Cultures 17. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019, 145–170.
  • “Svatý Nikdo a hranice středověké latinské parodie” (Saint Nobody and the Borders of Medieval Latin Parody) in Hranice smíchu. Komika a vážnost ve středověké Evropě (The Borders of Laughter: The Comic and the Serious in Medieval Europe), ed. Martin Šorm and Vojtěch Bažant, Praha: Lidové noviny, 2019, 109–118.


  • “Usquoque tu, Domine, obdormis gravi sopore? A Topical Song from Medieval Bohemia: Fragment Prague, Library of the National Museum 1 K 618” Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch. Internationale Zeitschrift für Mediävistik und Humanismusforschung 53:3 (2018): 443–460.
  • ““Upon the posts and the doors of thy house”: The Ten Commandments in Late Medieval Bohemia,” The Journal of Medieval Latin 18 (2018): 211–240.
  • “Measuring the Measuring Rod: The Bible and Parabiblical Texts within the History of Medieval Literature,” Interfaces: The Journal of Medieval Literatures 4 (2017) [2018]: 39–58.
  • “Late Medieval Personal Miscellanies: The Case of Mattheus Beran (d. 1461), Augustinian Canon of Roudnice nad Labem” in Collecting, Organizing and Transmitting Knowledge. Miscellanies in Late Medieval Europe, ed. Sabrina Corbellini, Giovanna Murano and Giacomo Signore, Bibliologia. Elementa ad librorum studia pertinentia 49, Turnhout: Brepols, 2018, 179–196.
  • “The Velislav Bible in the context of late medieval Biblical retellings and mnemonic aids,” in: The Velislav Bible, Finest Picture-Bible of the Late Middle Ages. Biblia Depicta as Devotional, Mnemonic and Study Tool, ed. Lenka Panušková, Central European Medieval Studies, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018, 69–86.


  • “Latin Mnemonic verses combining the Ten Commandments with the Ten Plagues of Egypt transmitted in Late Medieval Bohemia,” in: The Ten Commandments in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, ed. Youri Desplenter, Jürgen Pieters and Walter Melion, Intersections 52, Leiden: Brill, 2017, 152–172.
  • 3 studies in: Čítanka latinských textů z pozdně středověkých Čech (A reader of Latin texts from late medieval Bohemia), eds. L.D., Michal Dragoun and Jan Ctibor. Praha: Scriptorium, 2017, all together with Jan Ctibor:
    i) “List – Oldřich Kříž z Telče Tobiášovi do Tábora” (Letter – Ulricus Crux of Telcz to Tobias in Tábor), p. 182–193.
    ii) “Planctus – Pláč nad Prahou” (Planctus – Weeping over Prague), p. 194–203.
    iii) “Umění paměti – husitský fragment” (The art of memory – a Hussite fragment), p. 300–309.


  • “Manuscript Transmission and an Analysis of the Pseudo-Joachimite Expositio versuum extraneorum,” in Joachim posuit verba ista. Gli pseudoepigrafi di Gioacchino da Fiore dei secoli XIII e XIV, ed. Gian Luca Potestà and Marco Rainieri (Roma: Viella, 2016), 201–213.
  • “Mémoriser la Bible au bas Moyen Âge ? Le Summarium Biblicum aux frontières de l’intelligibilité,” in: Le Moyen Âge dans le texte : Cinq ans d´histoire textuelle au LAMOP, ed. Bénoit Grévin and Aude Mairey, Histoire ancienne et médiévale 141 (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2016), 135–164. (= adjusted article from Cahiers électroniques d’histoire textuelle du LAMOP 3 (2010): 1–45).
  • “Nepříliš určitý termín: populární literatura pozdního středověku,” (Not very specific term: popular literature of the Late Middle Ages) in Starodávné bejlí: Obrysy populární a brakové literatury ve starověku a středověku, ed. Sylva Fischerová and Jiří Starý (Praha: Nakladatelství FF UK, 2016), 361–381.
  • “Late Medieval Devotional Literature (Introduction),” in Three Sermons of Late Medieval Intellectual Heinrich Totting von Oyta: De passione Domini, De assumpcione Marie, De Johanne Baptista, by Jan Odstrčilík, Francesca Battista, Riccardo Burgazzi (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag, 2016), 9–11.


  • “Multilingualism and Late Medieval Manuscript Culture,” in The Medieval Manuscript Book. Cultural Approaches, ed. Michael van Dussen and Michael Johnston (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015), 160–180.
  • “Sicut mel dulce: The Sweetness and Bitterness of Reading the Bible in the Middle Ages,” Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philologica 3, Graecolatina Pragensia 25 (2015): 93–111.
  • 6 studies in: Ubi est finis huius libri deus scit. Středověká knihovna augustiniánských kanovníků v Roudnici nad Labem, ed. M. Dragoun, L. Doležalová, and A. Ebersonová (Prague: Scriptorium, 2015):
    i) L.D., M. Dragoun and A. Ebersonová, “Ubi est finis…,” p. 19–24.
    ii) L.D., M. Dragoun and A. Ebersonová, “Literární činnost roudnických kanovníků” (Literary activity of the Roudnice canons), p. 109–112.
    iii) L.D., “Sborníky Matouše Berana” (Miscellanies of Matheus Beran), p. 126–140.
    iv) L.D., “Lipnická bible (Museum of the Bible, Oklahoma City, Green Collection MS 486)” (The Bible of Lipnice), p. 262–267.
    v) L.D. and M. Dragoun, “Střípky k exilovým pobytům českých augustiniánů kanovníků” (Sources on the exile stays of Czech Augustinian canons), p. 306–314.
    vi) L.D., “Summary,” p. 576-578.


  • with Farkas Gábor Kiss “Pouvoir des mots dans l’art de la mémoire au bas moyen âge,” in Le pouvoir des mots au moyen âge, ed. Nicole Bériou, Jean-Patrice Boudet, and Irène Rosier Catach, Bibliothèque dʼhistoire culturelle du Moyen Age 13 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014), 127–154.
  • “The Devil as a Christian Author? The Case of Versus maligni angeli,” in Auctor et auctoritas in Medii Aevi litteris. Author and Authorship in Medieval Latin Literature, ed. Edoardo D’Angelo and Jan Ziolkowski (Florence: SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2014), 321–330.
  • “Identita v pozdně středověkém latinském písemnictví: text, autor, jazyk,” Identity – konstrukce, subverze a absence, ed. P. A. Bílek, M. Procházka, J. Wiendl (Praha: FF UK, 2014), 97–105.
  • “Převyprávění Bible v pozdně středověkých Čechách a u Jana Amose Komenského,” in: Amica Sponsa Mater: Bible v čase reformace, ed. Ota Halama (Praha: Kalich, 2014), 305–323.
  • “Passion and Passion: Intertextual Narratives in Late Medieval Bohemia between Typology, History, and Parody,” in Biblical Typology as a Mode of Thinking in Medieval Historiography, ed. Marek Thue Kretschmer (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014), 245–265.


  • “Verses on the Effects of the Eucharist: Memory and the Material Text in Utraquist Miscellanies,” in Religious Controversy in Europe 1378-1536: Textual Transmission and Networks of Readership, ed. Pavel Soukup and Michael van Dussen, Turnhout: Brepols, 2013, p. 105–136.
  • “Summarium Biblicum: A Biblical Tool both Popular and Obscure,” in Form and Function in the Late Medieval Bible, ed. Eyal Poleg and Laura Light, Library of the Written Word 27, The Manuscript World 4 (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 163–184.
  • “Multiple Copying and the Interpretability of Codex Contents: ‘Memory Miscellanies’ Compiled by Gallus Kemli (1417-1480/1) of Sankt Gallen” in Medieval Manuscript Miscellanies, 139–165.
  • “Ordnen des Gedächtnisses: Das Verzeichnis als Raum des Wissens in der Vormoderne,” in Wissenspaläste – Räume des Wissens in der Vormoderne, ed. Gesine Mierke and Christoph Fasbender, Euros: Chemnitzer Arbeiten zur Literaturwissenschaft 2 (2013): 42–57.
  • “The Velislav Bible and Latin biblical mnemonics in the 14th and 15th century Bohemia,” Daphnis: Zeitschrift für Mittlere Deutsche Literatur und Kultur der Frühen Neuzeit (1400-1750) 41 (2012): 327–355. [appeared March 2014]
  • “Pulp Fiction in Medieval Latin Literature?” Slovo a smysl 20 (2013): 88–97.
  • “Old Light on New Media: Medieval Practices in a Digital Age,” together with R. Wojcik, F.G. Kiss, and E. Poleg, in Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures 2:1 (2013): 16–34.
  • “Textual Obscurity in the Middle Ages (Introduction),” together with Jeff Rider and Alessandro Zironi, in Obscurity in the Middle Ages, 1–14.
  • “Introduction” together with Kimberly Rivers, in Medieval Manuscript Miscellanies 1–12.


  • “A Biblical Role-Playing Game? Interpreting and Contextualizing a Late Medieval Latin Poem inc. Vos qui concupiscitis,” Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philologica 3, Graecolatina Pragensia 24 (2012): 103–113.


  • “Fugere artem memorativam? The Art of Memory in Late Medieval Bohemia (A Preliminary Survey),” Studia mediaevalia Bohemica 2:2 (2010): 221-260 [appeared September 2011].
  • “Potřeba opilosti a Cyprianův smích” (The need of drunkenness and Cyprian’s laughter), in Ad honorem Eva Stehlíková, eds. Pavlína Šípová, Marcela Spívalová and Jan Jiřík (Praha: Filosofický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, 2011), 76-80.
  • “Mémoriser la Bible au bas Moyen Âge ? Le Summarium Biblicum aux frontières de l’intelligibilité,” Cahiers électroniques d’histoire textuelle du LAMOP 3 (2010): 1-45.


  • “The Charm and Difficulty of a Fragment: The Cases of Cena Cypriani and Summarium Biblie,” in Along the Oral-Written Continuum: Types of Text, Relations and Their Implications, ed. Slavica Ranković with L. Melve and E. Mundal, Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 20 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010), 283-301.
  • “The Absolute Alterity in Cult of Saints: Saint Nobody,” in Identity and Alterity in Hagiography and the Cult of Saints, ed. Ana Marinković and Trpimir Vedriš, Bibliotheca Hagiotheca Series Colloquia 1 (Zagreb: Hagiotheca, 2010), 89-101.
  • “The Dining Room of God: Petrus Comestor’s Historia scholastica and Retelling the Bible as Feasting,” in Retelling the Bible: Literary, Historical, and Social Contexts (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2010), 229-244.


  • “Cena maletractati: An Unnoticed Version of Cena Cypriani,” in Parva pro magnis munera. Études de litérature tardo-antique et médiévale offertes à François Dolbeau par ses élèves, ed. Monique Goullet, Instrumenta patristica et mediaevalia 51 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2009), 195-244.
  • “On Mistake and Meaning: Scinderationes fonorum in medieval artes memoriae, mnemonic verses, and manuscripts,” Language and History 52 (2009): 26-40.
    [reprinted with slight changes in The Making of Memory in the Middle Ages, ed. L. Doležalová, Later Medieval Europe 4 (Leiden: Brill, 2009)]
  • “Ad hoc lists of Bernard Itier (1163-1225), librarian of St. Martial de Limoges,” in The Charm of a List: From the Sumerians to Computerised Data Processing (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009), 80-99.
  • “The Potential and Limitations of Studying Lists (Introduction),” in The Charm of a List: From the Sumerians to Computerised Data Processing (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009), 1-8.
  • “Tibi silens laus: Silence at the Edge of Language,” in The Edges of the Medieval World. Ed. Gerhard Jaritz and Juhan Kreem, The Muhu Proceedings 1, CEU Medievalia 11 (Budapest: CEU Press, 2009), 136-141.


  • “Matouš Beran and the Art of Memory in Late Medieval Bohemia,” 95-103. In Culture of Memory in East-Central Europe in the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period. Ed. Rafał Wójcik. Prace Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej 30. Poznań: Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, 2008. ISBN 978-83-60961-00-1.
  • “Nemini vetula placet? In search for positive representation of old woman,” in Alterskulturen des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, ed. Elisabeth Vavra, Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit 21 (Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2008), 175-182. ISBN 978-3-7001-6108-0.
  • “The Thin Borderline between the Same and the Different: Reproducibility of Medieval Manuscripts,” 81-87. In Reproducibility – Arts, Science, and Living Nature: 10th Villa Lanna Meeting on «Science, or Else?» Prague, January 11-13, 2008, ed. Amrei Wittwer, Elvan Kut, Vladimir Pliska, and Gerd Folkers, Collegium Helveticum Heft 5 (Zürich: Collegium Helveticum, 2008). ISBN 978-3-9522441-7-3.


  • “Biblia quasi in saculo: Summarium Biblie and other medieval Bible mnemonics,” Medium Aevum Quotidianum 56 (2007): 5-35.


  • “Novatianus: O podívaných.” (a Czech translation of Novatian’s De spectaculis with an introduction and notes) Divadelní revue 16:1 (2005): 91-94.


  • “‘But if you marry me’: reflections of the Hussite movement in the Penitentiary (1438-1483),” 113-125. The Long Arm of Papal Authority. Late Medieval Christian Peripheries and their Communication, ed. by G. Jaritz, T. Jørgensen, and K. Salonen (Budapest: CEU Press, 2004).
  • “Quoddam notabile vel ridiculum: an unnoticed version of Cena Cypriani (Ms. Uppsala, UL C 178),” Archivum latinitatis medii aevi (Bulletin Du Cange) 62 (2004): 137-160.


  • “Lack of self-praise: a search for laudes urbium in medieval Czech lands,” Medium Aevum Quotidianum 47 (2003): 33-43.
  • “Receptions of obscurity and obscurities of reception: the case of the Cena Cypriani,” Listy filologické 126 (2003): 187-197.


  • “The Cena Cypriani, or A Game of Endless Possibilities,” 119-130. Der Kommentar in Antike und Mittelalter. Ed. Wilhelm Geerlings and Christian Schulze. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2002.
  • “Re-Writing the Bible: Strategies of Intertextuality in the Cena Cypriani,” The Annual of Medieval Studies at CEU 8 (2002): 181-202.


  • 2022 “Peter Glasner, Sebastian Winkelsträter, and Birgit Zacke, eds., Abecedarium: Erzählte Dinge im Mittelalter. Basel: Schwabe, 2019.” in Speculum 97:3 (2022): 834–836.
  • 2020 “Jindřich Marek, Václav Koranda mladší. Utrakvistický administrátor a literát. Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, Praha 2017,” in Studia mediaevalia Bohemica 10:2 (2018) [2020]: 304–306.
  • 2019 “Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea. Signatura 1 K (Dodatky ke sbírkám Adolfa Patery a Čeňka Zíbrta), ed. Michal DRAGOUN, Scriptorium, Praha 2017,” in Studia mediaevalia Bohemica 9:2 (2017) [2019]: 274-276.
  • 2019 “Fifteen Medieval Latin Parodies (Toronto Medieval Latin Texts 35), ed. by Martha Bayless, Toronto 2018 (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies), 122 S.” in Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 54,1 (2019): 201-204.
  • 2018 “Dopisy dvou milenců. Milostná korespondence 12. století, překlad, úvodní studie a komentáře Jana Daňhelová (Praha: Argo, 2017),” Studia maedievalia Bohemica 9:1 (2017) [2018]: 111-113.
  • 2017 “Frances Yatesová, Umění paměti, přel. Tomáš Kramár, Martin Žemla a Pavel Černovský (Praha: Malvern, 2015),” Dějiny a současnost 2/2017: 45.
  • 2015 “Pavel Krafl, Synody a statuta olomoucké diecéze období středověku (Praha: Historický ústav, 2014),” Speculum 90:4 (2015): 1134-1135.
  • 2014 “Spoken and Written Language. Relations between Latin and the Vernacular Languages in the Earlier Middle Ages. Edited by M. Garrison, A.P. Orbán, M. Mostert. Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 24. Turnhout: Brepols, 2013.” Journal of Medieval Latin 24 (2014): 294-297.
  • 2009 “Zuzana Silagiová, Hana Šedinová, Petr Kitzler, eds. Pulchritudo et Sapientia. Ad honorem Pavel Spunar. Praha: Kabinet pro klasická studia FÚ AV ČR, 2008.” Auriga. Zprávy Jednoty klasických filologů 51 (2009): 181-182.
  • 2008 “Jarmila Veltruská. Posvátné a světské. Osm studií o starém českém divadle. Tr. M. Bažil, K. Kvízová, I. Pulicarová and E. Stehlíková. Divadelní ústav, Praha 2006.” Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy Univerzity 211 (2008): 184-187.
  • 2004–2009 reviews for Medioevo latino (ca. 80)


  • 2008 “Intelektuální život Židů v Brně v 15. století” (translation from English of an article by Tamás Visi) Časopis Matice Moravské 127: 1 (2008): 131-140. ISSN: 0323-052X.
  • 1997 Keltské pohádky (Celtic Tales – translation from English of half of a book) Brno: Ando Publishing, 1997.
Úvod > Ústav > Vyučující a konzultace > prof. Mgr. Lucie Doležalová, Ph.D.